Our Strategy: Working Together for a Cleaner Williamstown
At CitizenBlue Williamstown, our strategy is built on five key actions to enhance our community’s environmental well-being:
1. Political Leadership
We commend the Victorian Government for making environmental cleanliness a priority. Their dedication to preserving Williamstown’s natural beauty and commitment to reducing litter has set a clear and admirable path.
2. Incentives
The introduction of a refund scheme for bottles and cans, akin to some of the world’s cleanest cities, has created a strong financial incentive to combat waste. At CitizenBlue, we’re here to help you access these funds and contribute to the recycling of drink containers in Williamstown.
3. Convenience
Recycling is a widely embraced practice. While the kerbside recycling system covers a significant portion of the population, beverage container recycling away from home can be challenging. To facilitate this, CitizenBlue offers purpose-built recycling bins for businesses, events, and local government, complementing existing efforts.
4. Accessibility
Businesses, such as cafes, pubs, and clubs, face unique challenges in waste management. CitizenBlue offers guidance and practical solutions to help them become more effective recyclers.
5. Community Mobilisation
Collective action is essential for a cleaner environment. From litter collection to refund schemes, recycling depots, and repurposing materials, we all have a vital role to play. CitizenBlue collaborates with various community and business groups, working together to create a cleaner and more sustainable Williamstown.
Join us in this journey towards a greener future for Williamstown.